Thursday, September 2, 2010

A new project, and more posting

Hey everyone I know you're not used to postings on back to back days but I have another project. This blog was originally created for an online writing class that I took. I enjoyed maintaining the blog so much that I made it my hobby and something to hopefully jump start future endeavors. Now a semester later I'm in an online journalism class where we have to maintain a blog again. I'm going to use this blog as my project and keep the same themes going. One of my main focuses for the project will be on how bands handle the aftermath of losing a safe haven like the Cup which just closed on the 31st. (Read my previous post to find out the importance of a local "home court" type venue). I want to see if bands start to push their limits to venture out into a music world unfamiliar to them. Do these bands have what it takes? Will some of these bands die? I don't know yet, but that's what I intend to find out. I want to also continue my local music interviews and incorporate meaningful experiences about the project. In addition to these two ideas I'd like to see my non local interviews grow, and maybe I can ask them if they had their own "Cup" when they first started out. I'll add my own insight on things from time because I'm a musician as well as a music journalist, critic, etc. I can't wait to dive into this project, and see how I can possibly help put Staten Island on the map for something other than garbage and bad tans...

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